Republicanos y Republicanismos



Juan Álvarez- Cienfuegos Fidalgo
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Marina López López
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM


Nowadays, the public affair emmits signs of worrying, disturbance and agitation to numerous social groups, from the academy to grassroots, and certain professional politicians. Those signs are related to a growing sickness in our societies: the open chasm between politicians —the decisions they take and the ones they take into practice— and the citizens. We can sense that managers of politics forget —except during election campaigns where they contend to get (or renew) their position on the ladder— about the people they represent, and the latter consider politics as a matter of professionals only, a subject of difficult comprehension, something far from their competences. It is truth, nonetheless, that, from thinking and action, the signs of worrying, disturbance and agitation are a proof of that there is an approach to the understanding of this phenomena and the gradual finding of alternative ways to this prostration in which politics are found. That is why it is important to ask "Why republicanism?"


politics, nation, creation of a nation, nation-state, Republic, republicanism, democracy



ISBN-10 (02)
