Humboldt y el Jorullo: Historia de una exploración



Pedro Sergio Urquijo Torres
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM


This book aims to be a new guide, and is an invitation for those who through history and geography have an interest in visiting the Jorullo and its surroundings again. Some perhaps motivated by the location of the famous “hornitos” that appear in one of the illustrations that Humboldt made about the volcano and others, as Hans Gadow did 100 years ago, to contemplate the wonderful regenerative action of plants and the animals in the transformation of the space that was devastated by the birth of the volcano. But above all, this book is an urgent call to conserve the natural scenery of Jorullo and its surroundings, as part of the heritage of Michoacanos.


Humboldt, Jorullo, La Huacana, history and geography



ISBN-10 (02)
