Dimensiones sociales en el manejo de Cuencas



Ana L. Burgos
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM
Gerardo Bocco Verdinelli
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM
Joaquín Sosa Ramírez
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes


This book is a contribution to the understanding of those social dimensions that are determinants of the possible trajectories of a basin. In the fourteen chapters that make up this work, social, institutional and territorial relations in Mexican basins are analyzed, from the Mexican perspective and experience. These works, submitted to peer review, were selected from the papers presented at the IV Colloquium on Environmental Geography organized by the CIGA-UNAM and the III National Congress on Hydrographic Basin Management, both held in August 2013 in the city ​​of Morelia (Michoacán, Mexico). We hope to contribute to the development of new approaches, debates and intellectual constructions to install in the academic, public and political life of Mexico the approach of hydrographic basins as a sphere of communion between society and nature.


hidrographical basin, public policies, institutions, ecological management, territorial relations



ISBN-13 (15)
