Tres niveles de análisis en la Sierra-Costa Michoacana: Insumos para el ordenamiento ecológico



Ángel G. Priego Santander
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM
Gerardo Bocco Verdinelli
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM


This book, in its approach to three levels of analysis in the region of the Sierra-Costa Michoacana, as inputs for the ecological ordering, graduates as a well-accomplished work on scientific research on the environment, permeating as a basic platform for the planning and socioeconomic occupation of said region, considered one of the most conflictive in that state. It is a work aimed at undergraduate and graduate students related to environmental sciences, specialists in natural sciences, members of civil organizations committed to the environment and officials from the three levels of government, all responsible for management, conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources.


ecological management, socioeconomical situation, environment, natural resources preservation, sustainabillity, natural resources use, natural resources management, Michoacan



ISBN-13 (15)
