Lidiando con el clima de hoy en pequeñas comunidades: Enseñanzas sobre la adaptación y la capacidad de respuestaal cambio climático en el contexto de Michoacán



Michael K. McCall
Minerva Campos Sánchez (coords.)


This book is the result of eight case studies. Seven of them are located along an altitudinal transect in Michoacán and one in Jalisco. Most research addresses how people, from different socioeconomic backgrounds and environmental realities, perceive and manage the impacts of climate change. It also includes three reviews of speeches on public policies in the face of the aforementioned phenomenon. Based on the work carried out, it was found that certain effects of climate change affect and are perceived both at the household and community levels. But generally these effects are part of complex interrelationships with globalization, migration, marginalization and security. What is encouraging, as shown throughout the book, is the variety of initiatives that people have found to address and deal with [The Coordinators] impacts.


clima, cambio climático, políticas públicas, Michoacán



2020 — Updated on 2022


ISBN-13 (15)
