Ordenando territorios: Experiencias y lecciones aprendidas de los procesos de ordenamiento territorial en América Latina



Marcelo Sili
Centro de estudios sobre la Acción y el desarrollo territorial - CONICET
Antonio Vieyra
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental UNAM
Rosa Cuesta
Instituto Geográfico Militar
Martha Villagómez
Instituto Geográfico Militar


This work shows the results of collective research, whose objective is to present, based on experiences of multiscale cases, a state of the situation of territorial planning initiatives in Latin America, pointing out the main factors that limit or inhibit their implementation and its results, in such a way that some clues and recommendations can be proposed for the improvement of land use planning policies and practices in the region. It is clear that the cases analyzed cannot complete the total panorama of the territorial dilemmas of Latin America, however, this work does not intend territorial exhaustiveness but to identify the great territorial problems, and the main lines of policies and initiatives of territorial ordering put in place. in the region. The cases of analysis guarantee a geographical, political-institutional and productive economic development diversity as well as allow completing a situation picture consistent with the structural state of Latin America.


Latin America, urbanization, country world, territorial planning policies, Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentina, Mexico, land use planning
Portada de Ordenando territorios



ISBN-13 (15)


ISBN-13 (15)
